Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Not that kind of action, although that kind of action has been known to bring lots of smiles to lots of, I'm talking movies!! What is better than getting lost in a made-up story, where for the most part, everyone is good-looking, and the ending is usually happy? I love going to the theater and enjoy making it a true picture show experience. I'm talking giant popcorn, chocolate candy, and a ginormous diet coke. I usually go with the meal deal where you get an enormous bucket of popcorn and two sodas each about 2 liters big (2 sodas?...usually date night, you know...). I proceed directly towards the liquid butter (or whatever that is) dispenser and saturate my kernels with buttery goodness. One trick I learned from an old friend was to take a straw, insert one end around the tip of the dispenser, and direct the other end into the middle of your bucket. Voila! An instant shot of butter into the depths of the yellowy corn! YUM! With all of the saltiness, usually I start craving a little bit something sweet (of course!) halfway through the movie. This is where I have learned to sneak in maybe a box of raisinettes, or perhaps a bag of M&M's (yes, I know this is probably against all theater rules, but I am already paying $20 for the tickets and another $10 for the popcorn and soda!). Some people have tried to tell me that "the mix" of the popcorn and M&M's is the way to go...but I find that I just start picking out all kernels or all chocolate, so why not just keep them separate? I like going with raisinettes as my sweet choice because mentally I am eating raisins, which are quite healthy for you. I did find out that raisinettes have almost 400 calories in the mega-box I usually get, but luckily, I am still in denial--and I'm drinking DIET coke! My ideal theater seats are located middle back to back. I get a little nauseous if I sit too close to the screen (or maybe its all that butter I loaded on the popcorn...) and the middle is usually packed full. If too many people are sitting in rows behind me, I start to get self-conscious of the hand to mouth, to popcorn, to mouth, to popcorn continuous motion that I have throughout the movie. I am always tempted to sit in the "love seat", but usually cannot convince my date to be "those people". Oh well--I discovered that some theaters have arm rests that can be lifted so that there is no barrier between you and your date, so its pretty much like sitting in the love seat.
The last movie I went to was Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was pretty hilarious and I would definitely recommend a theater trip to see it. I like looking at to read about movies and other film news. But, I usually don't pay too much attention to reviews, if I want to see it, I want to see it.
Now, for the list of my all-time favorite movies. First, the athlete in me absolutely adores Hoosiers and Rudy. Some people may find these a little cheesy, but I can watch these inspirational films over and over! Will Ferrell is awesome and Old School and Anchorman are two of my top flicks to watch. Shawshank Redemption is an amazing movie and one that I find myself watching again and again is Overboard, with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell--I love it! Caddyshack is a classic and I tend to question anyone who doesn't find that movie funny. A good friend of mine passed his love for Ladder 49 onto me. That movie gets me everytime! I have to admit that especially as I've gotten older, (27!), I tend to gravitate towards romantic comedies versus straight up action...I know, I am such a girl! It usually takes a lot to convince me to watch a war movie as well. Am I the only person who spends the entire film wondering how uncomfortable all that mud and dirt must be on the actor? I find it very distracting.
It is supposed to be rainy in Chicago this weekend, a perfect excuse to head to the theater, find the perfect seat, indulge in some buttery popcorn and fizzy fountain soda, sit back and enjoy the show.

New Beginning

I am writing my first blog entry and I couldn't possibly be more excited. I cannot wait to share with everyone my sweetest secrets and indulgences. There are so many things that bring happiness into my life that I feel selfish not divulging some of these wonderful delectables! For my first post, I want to aknowledge one of my favorite sites to go to, where I can just lose myself in all the sweet goodness, whether it's celebrity gossip, beauty advice, delicious recipes, or fitness tips. It's the Sugar Blogs!! Check out
It will take you away from the chaos of reality and you will dive headfirst into a world of beautiful celebrities and fabulous fashion. Get a little Sugar fix, and soon, like me, you will need some everyday!